
💎 Free Wheel

FREE WHEEL is an English language, 120 minute-long magazine-style radio program from Danny Antonelli

There are two versions for various stations:
The 120 minutes on FSK Hamburg are structured so that the reports or stories or interviews are interspaced with music from various artists and comedy from stand-up comedians. These days the reports are often of a political nature and feature various presenters, most of them talking about political developments in the USA. From time-to-time there are also interviews, mostly with musicians.
Almost all of the FREE WHEEL shows on FSK end with a radio play from The Thursday Theater featuring comedy, drama, mystery and music.

For the other non-commercial stations the 120 minutes of FREE WHEEL are structured in two 60-minute segments which feature reports or stories or interviews that are interspaced with music from one single artist for the whole show. The first segment usually ends with an episode from SUDS, the ultimate soap opera. When the SUDS episodes (32 of them) have run through their cycle, the first hour ends with an audio story.
The second hour of FREE WHEEL on Radio StHörfunk, Freies Radio Freudenstadt, Radio Unerhört Marburg and Rundfunk Meissner (Radio RFM) continues with reports or stories or interviews or comedy interspaced with music from the featured artist.

Mehr von 💎 Free Wheel

Danny Antonelli ist Autor, Musiker, Produzent und Librettist. Die Sendungen werden auch im Internetarchiv bereitgestellt. (Die Inhalte bei sind zur Zeit nicht verfügbar)

FSK Hamburg (93,0 MHz und im Livestream)
Jeweils am 3. Donnerstag des Monats ab 14 und am 4. Donnerstag ab 20 Uhr

Freies Radio StHörfunk (Livestream)
Alle 14 Tage Montags ab 10 Uhr

FDS (Freies Radio Freudenstadt Livestream)
Donnerstags ab 10:30 Uhr

Radio Unerhört Marburg (Webplayer)
Jeweils am 2. Sonntag ab 13 Uhr,
Wiederholung am 3. Mittwoch ab 14 Uhr

Rundfunk Meissner (Stream)
Alle 14 Tage Freitags ab 22 Uhr


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