
African Roots Music

"Thanks to Radio Parade for having me on their platform for Independent Radio Makers.
I am Jonathan Gangman from Ghana. I live in Freiburg im Breisgau – Germany.
In 1988 a German friend asked me if I was interested in presenting African music on radio.
Without hesitating I answered in the afirmative - but when he added without pay and that I had to finance it all by myself, I had to take a deep breath and gasped! I gave it thougth and reluctantly agreed to the terms. They are still the same up to date.

Now then, I had to think of how to present myself as a radio presenter and instantly, the name John Peel came to my mind. He was a BBC „World of Music“ program presenter. I used to listen to his show once a week way back in Africa. His style of presentation was such that one felt his presence and that he was talking to his listeners. I liked his way of touching the spirits of listeners with his voice coming from the radio. So I became Jonathan/John alias DJ JonJon on RDL Freiburg.

African Roots Music is the program that I present every Sunday from 14:00 to 16:00 hrs on Radio Dreyeckland (RDL) Freiburg, an independent and non commercial Radio.
In my radio show, I present traditional music (played on traditional instruments) and modern music (played on modern instruments) of various countries criss-crossing the continent.
Each African country has her own national sound, for example; Nigeria - JuJu music, DRC - Soukous, Zimbabwe – Chumurenga, Senegal – Mbalax, Ghana – Hi-Life, Zanziba – Taraab, Algeria – Rai etc.
By so doing, I try to propagate a sense of “Panafricanism“ to my fellow African brothers and sisters.

The benefit of what I am doing is priceless. I have this golden opportunity to be myself, to open up and to inspire my fellow Africans to do the same."

Mehr von African Roots Music

DJ JonJon moderiert auf englisch, um eine breite Hörerschaft anzusprechen. Daher wird auch hier auf eine deutsche Übersetzung verzichtet ... vielleicht noch dies: "Tune in then!"

Radio Dreyeckland, Freiburg 102,3 MHz (Livestream auf der website)
Sonntags ab 14 Uhr live


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